What Do You Want to Change?

Today I have several questions for you:

What do you want to be different in your life or your
health this year?

What do you want to change?

Are you willing to change?

Recently I heard an interview of a remarkable gentleman
named Jett, and a particular phrase leaped out at me:

If you want things to change, you have to change!

As I coach people, I have discovered two major areas that
keep people from making the changes in their health that
they desire: 

The first is not knowing what to do, and in
many cases this appears as being overwhelmed with
information without the wisdom or discernment to know how
to apply it in a useful framework;

and the second—many have some
idea of what would make a difference, but fail to take the
steps necessary to create the results they desire.

In these weekly letters, we will seek to address both.

This week’s exercise will involve two steps:  first, decide
what you want to be different for you this year—do you want
more energy? Better nutrition?  Less stress?  To release
weight?  To feel better?  To decrease your use of

Decide what you want. 

Write it down. 

Now rephrase it in present tense using “I am…”  “I love…”
“I feel…”  and write down a few such statements, or
affirmations, that describe how you want to be and feel
even though you may not actually be there yet.

Examples might include:

I awaken with joy and energy.  I love how
I feel.  I love my life. 

I now lovingly nourish myself and release the weight I
no longer require.

Whatever you choose to write, read these statements at
least twice a day when you first arise and just before you
go to bed.

Second, ask yourself before going to bed tonight, what’s
one thing you could do tomorrow that would bring you closer
to what you want?

If an answer comes, great!  Commit to
doing it.  If not, go to sleep with the question open, and
see what comes to you when you awake.

Simple steps?  Yes!  Yet powerful tools that will assist
you in effecting any change you desire in your life.

Will you commit to doing this now?  How about tomorrow?  How
about each day for the next three weeks?

If you do, you will find you have begun a simple process that can be
applied again and again with huge results!

Talk to you again soon!

Dr. Ben

P.S.  Last night while speaking with someone with depression
and heart trouble, I looked up this affirmation for heart
trouble in Louise Hay’s book Heal Your Body: 

Joy. Joy. Joy.  I lovingly allow joy to flow through my
mind and body and experience.

A great affirmation for all who struggle with stress,
health issues, or lack of joy!

Let me know your own experiences in the comments below!

Author: Dr. Ben

I'm a doc who was gone in the office, then found a way to be home with my wife and now 7 kids, while making a difference in people's lives around the globe. I love good books, adventures with my family, dark chocolate with coconut, & empowering moms & dads to create a business and ultimately, a life they love. Learn more at www.drbenlo.com I look forward to connecting with you!

7 thoughts on “What Do You Want to Change?”

  1. I sat down in less than 10 minutes wrote down my affirmations. Invigorating! Most of our journey starts in our minds and writing down my affirmations has confirmed the experiences I am overcoming and enjoying starting now. Thanks for this experience in helping me grow. Wow!

  2. Since I last wrote anything down about this, I have found myself having fun finding ways to create a better meal and take better care of myself. I have already lost 5 lbs in the last week and have so much more energy that I feel amazing. I love the way I feel when I know I have made better choices and I am rejoycing in the new me!

  3. Wonderful, Cheri–thanks for sharing your success!

    The combination of having fun and loving and celebrating how you feel and the progress you’re experiencing creates a wonderful, self-reinforcing process…well done!

  4. DR Ben: I want to have less stress in my life, to lose weight and have more energy. it has been a difficult year health wise for both Art and I and we have had many deaths in the family. With my exercise therapy I lost 15 lbs but I want to get started back on my own exercise program to lose at least 20 more lbs. Now that we have some resolution to Art’s health problems, I will begin the affirmation process and working on these goals.

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  6. These questions are extremely thought provoking. Honesty within my self is the key. I know I must be committed and consistent. I must seek to hold myself accountable.

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